Massachusetts Republic
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. -- R Buckminster Fuller
The primary tool that the sovereign uses to create the conditions in which the people live is money creation. What the money is issued for and how the money supply is regulated are a major factor in orienting the activity of the people. When money is scarce and hard to come by, people are fearful and cautious, but when money is abundant, people are courageous and carefree. When the right amount of money is available for what the people agree would be good, then there is justice, peace, and prosperity. The united states of America Republick will only become truly sovereign when it is issuing its own currency. The currency is called the Replik and the Congress of the Republic is in the process of determining what the Replik is, how it will be issued, and how the money supply will be regulated.
The history is very instructive. In Colonial times and right through the establishment of the Federal Reserve System in 1913, the question of what would serve as money was a hot topic of debate, both in conversation among people and in the courts, the assemblies of the Colonies, and the legislatures of the States. However, until the surreptitious establishment of the Federal Reserve, the Congress was continually dealing with the corrupting influence of the moneyed class and their banks.
Benjamin Franklin attributed the War of Independence to the depression that resulted when the King and Parliament restricted the issuance of paper money to fund the legitimate interests of the American people. You can read about this here. Note that most people know very little of this because the powers that be do not want us to understand money and how it is issued.
Paper money, ledger accounts, bank accounts in computer databases, and digital money are all fiat money. Fiat means by sovereign declaration, or law. Many people believe that fiat money, such as the Federal Reserve Notes we think of as money, is not backed by anything and therefore worthless. But the fact that we use this money all the time, and that it is the world's reserve currency, reveals the nature and value of money as an abstract social technology by agreement to facilitate the exchange of goods and services among people outside of one's extended family. In fact, if we use a commodity as a means of payment, as in bartering, we will have to invent a way to determine the unit of value to use to value the commodities in relationship to each other. The original money, the means of exchange that created civilization, were warehouse receipts. Since everyone had a good sense for the value of a shekel (bushel) of wheat, that served as the unit of value, and a receipt for a shekel of wheat from the Priest-Kings warehouse served as the means of exchange.
Monetary historians have pointed out that money is a social convention issued by the sovereign as a matter of law or custom. Money creation is always an agreement, whether that agreement is explicit, tacit, deceptive, or imposed by law and military might.
In our existing culture, money is currently issued, not as a public utility, but, through debt and usury, for those purposes that will be profitable to the banks and enrich the moneyed class, resulting in money being scarce, adversely affecting and even distorting our human nature and entire culture.
The Replik is the name that the incipient united states of America has chosen for its currency. How it will be issued and the money supply regulated will evolve as we gain experience with being sovereign! Stay Tuned!