Massachusetts Republic
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. -- R Buckminster Fuller
Creating Self-Governing Communities Seminar
Join us in learning how to
Restore the promise of the Declaration of Independence,
Be self-governing, and
Co-create the World We Know in Our Hearts is Possible!
Participate in collaborative education on the following themes:
Revendicating the promise of the Declaration of Independence;
The History; The Law; Self-Governance; The Monetary System;
The Justice System; Jural Assemblies; Qualified Electors and Oath; and Creating a Collaborative Colleagueship capable of Co-creating the World We Know in our Hearts is Possible.
When: 40 hours at times we determine together.
Introduction: To Be Announced when enough people are signed up
Beginning of the Seminar: To Be Determined after the Introduction
Where: On Zoom
Cost: Donation
For further information and to rsvp, please fill out the application, and/or contact: Margaret, John Root 413 329-3200, or the person who invited you.
Purpose: The purpose of this educational seminar is to prepare the participants to establish consent-based self-governing jural assemblies in every county in the country.
By coming together we will become well versed in revendicating the promise of the Declaration of Independence (without ambiguities) by generating the ideas and the relationships that assure our success in establishing jural assemblies in the county where we live. We will learn together how to collaborate honorably based on respectful dialogue and active consent-based decision-making.
Together we will co-create the World We Know in our Hearts is Possible!
Purpose: Create a cohort of competent visionaries and activists with a common understanding of what is necessary to realize the promise of the Declaration of Independence and create life-empowering, consent-based, self-governing, Jural Assembly Communities in every county in the country as the basis for creating the world we know in our hearts is possible.
Vision: Self-Governing Jural Assembly Communities based on the ongoing active consent of the people to secure and protect the unalienable equal rights the laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle us. Jural Assembly Communities create governance of the people, by the people, and for the people to assure that everyone is at Liberty to act as they feel called to, as long as they do no harm; issue the money as the primary tool of the sovereign to fund what we agree would be good; and administer justice based on the venerable tradition of the Common Law of the Land.
The Union of Jural Assembly Communities creates the life-empowering nation and society we know in our hearts we desire, by assuring Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for all.
Overview of the Seminar
Explore one’s self, our inherent nature, how consciousness is prime, and the world is as we dream it.
Use “personality tests” such as Myers Briggs, Enneagram, and Kingdomality to understand ourselves and one another better.
Discover together how to fully respect and value the differences between us, collaborate on standards in working together, and practice ‘presencing’, ‘Bohm Dialogue’, and compassionate ‘nonviolent communication’ (NVC).
Acknowledge ‘The Gap’, taking responsibility for our interpretations and choices.
Discover how a clear purpose can orient, align, and inspire us, and identify what we are committed to and have to offer.
Learn the history of corruption, including the banking and law Cartels as the hidden sovereign, and how they usurped the Ten Commandments and Common Law.
Declare the causes that impel us to ‘the separation’ from business as usual and the powers that be. “When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to 1) dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to 2) assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should 3) declare the causes which impel them to the separation.” - From the Declaration of Independence
Elucidate our unalienable rights that ‘the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God’ endow us.
Elucidate the best ideas for establishing, securing, and protecting our unalienable rights.
Determine the extent to which everyone needs to be learned in the law to secure liberty and establish justice.
Determine if we need to be qualified electors learned in the law and accountable to an oath to secure our liberty and adjudicate harm?
Do we need a compact among the people?
Discover together what it means to co-create de Jure consent-based self-governance.
Practice co-creating self-governing jural assemblies of qualified electors learned in “Restorative Justice” and common law, to adjudicate harm.
Discover together how best to establish and create Common Law juries with courts of record and lawful enforcement.
Discover how ‘love one’s neighbor as oneself’ and ‘do no harm’ are foundational liberating principles.
Is ‘do no harm’ all the law we need? What constitutes harm? How is this determined?
Comprehend issuing money as the primary tool the people use to create the conditions in which we, the people, desire to live.
Learn how to issue a lawful sovereign medium of exchange, and decide together what to issue it for.
Support each other in Co-creating the World We Know in our Hearts is Possible!
We are asking you to commit 40 hours to meet together on a secure video conferencing platform based on a schedule we agree on. We aim to collaboratively create a cohort of sacred activists to ground our collaborative vision into a new society, a life empowering ‘Ideal Universal Society’, based on the insights and wisdom we will develop together.
Join us for the 'Creating Self-Governing Communities' Seminar by filling out the following Seminar Commitment Form. Now would be a good time to fill it out!
You can fill out and submit a Google Form here: Seminar Commitment Form
or print and mail the form below to:
John G Root Jr, 32 East Street, Petersham, MA 01366 or and/or call John at 413 329 3200
Seminar Commitment Form
This Seminar Commitment Form will be required for the seminar.
This document and all information contained in it will be held in strictest confidence and used only by the administrator to contact you and determine with you what information you are willing to share.
My Commitment to my fellow participants in the Seminar:
1. I,
(Please print your name)
have read and comprehend the intent of the Overview and am largely in agreement with it.
2. I have specialized knowledge of
and would be willing and able to share it as appropriate during the seminar.
3. I am fully committed to respectful dialogue and behaving honorably and with integrity during the seminar.
4. I commit to learning active consent-based decision-making and to being an active and engaged participant in the Seminar.
5. I agree to share aspects of my biography and I agree to take the Myers Briggs personality test to understand myself and others better.
6. I am committed to supporting my colleagues in the seminar as we convene Jural Assemblies and learn how to issue a sovereign currency.
Signed with honor and integrity
Email and Telephone:
I was invited by:
If you are not ready yet to commit to the Seminar, come to an introductory meeting. Indicate your interest and we will be sure to invite you:
Signed: The Union Team
The Union Team has been meeting most weekdays from 10 AM to Noon EST since March 2021. Current members who have actively consented to this document and will be presenters in the seminar are: John Root (MA), Margaret (MA) (scribe and administrator), Dave (CA), Niki (PA), Michele (MA), (Facilitator), Darlene (IN), Keith (OH), and others less regularly. Other presenters: Brad (MA), Marilyn (MN), Bill (GrayWolf), Robin (MA) and other participants with specialized knowledge.