Massachusetts Republic
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. -- R Buckminster Fuller
Freedom, Justice, Community
Jural Assembly Communities Create a
Society that Benefits Everyone
By John G Root Jr
The book is available at Balboa Press, now, and at your local bookstore and as an eBook soon.
If you want an autographed copy please email me at or send a letter with a check for $20 to Just Abundance, Inc. 32 East Street, Petersham, MA 01366
Thank you.
The World We Know In Our Hearts
This book aims to describe the essentials for creating the society that benefits everyone, the ideal world we can all describe to each other, the utopia we are taught is unrealistic, but which we envision as possible to create.
The two questions that this book aims to answer are:
“Why is the society that benefits everyone considered utopian, and therefore out of reach?” and
“What kind of society would we create if it were entirely up to us - We, the People?”
The answer to the first question: (“Why is the society that benefits everyone considered utopian, and therefore out of reach?”) is that we have a false understanding of the forces that are controlling society. The Official Story attributes the circumstances of our lives to human nature and our government. People are considered selfish, greedy, fearful, and irresponsible and must be controlled by our government; and democracy is considered the best form of government. The truth is, as we all know from our lived experience, if we can get the money to do what we desire to do, we can do it, but if we can’t get the money, we can’t do it. It thus becomes obvious that money is the controlling factor that orients society and directs human endeavor. The primary tool that the sovereign, the lawgiver, uses to create the conditions in which we live is money creation. Unfortunately, we do not know who the sovereign is, what the money is being issued for, and how money issuance orients society and directs our endeavors. We all have a visceral sense that the wealth discrepancy is not justified, that the billionaires have captured the government, and that the government serves primarily their interests, not ours.
The answer to the second question (“What kind of society would we create if it were entirely up to us - We, the People?”) is that we would create the society that benefits everyone when We, the People, remember we are sovereign. When we remember we are sovereign, we will issue the money so that money is not the issue. The questions become: What would you like to dedicate your life to accomplishing? How much will it cost to develop your capacities to do that and inspire collaborators to work with you? How much capital will you and your collaborators require? When the answers to those questions are reasonable, you will issue the money you can be responsible for. The book aims to describe the philosophical ideas and the practical reasons why it is reasonable for each of us to issue the money we each need to capitalize each of our capacities.
The premise of the book is that understanding our desire to be free, to live in a just society, and to belong to a community that relies on our freedom -voluntary initiatives- and sense of justice to provide everything that we need and desire, is the society that benefits everyone. The world we know in our hearts will surely manifest as we engage in a process of knowing ourselves and the nature of money.
Chapter One of the book is about Money. If we are to issue money to create the society that benefits everyone, we will need to understand that money is an agreement to use a standard to measure value, and a device to facilitate transparent value-for-value trades. Money is a political power, the primary tool of the sovereign. The idea that we can acquire and accumulate enough money so our money can work for us distorts our understanding of our nature as human beings responsible for our social circumstances. When we properly understand the Nature of Money, it will allow us to create a just society, based on equity not equality. To make that clear: We do not accumulate a lot of clocks so we can have more time, and we know that some people are able to use their time much more productively than others.
Chapter Two is about the Freedom of the individual. Freedom is based on self-knowledge - knowing what one is interested in, capable of doing, and how one will make the world a better place for oneself, one's family, one's community and society.
Chapter Three is about the social compact and the administration of Justice by free, sovereign individuals which will ensure that the people have the social infrastructure they need to thrive.
Chapter Four is about creating the kind of Community and economy which a free and sovereign people, living in a just society, will organize to provide for our needs and desires.
Chapter Five concludes the book with suggestions for Creating the New Model. It describes a process that will manifest life-empowering communities in which the individuals are free, at liberty, to express the love that wells up from within and use their gifts to create as they see fit.
The book is relatively short and will only take a few hours to read. In the printed book, an underlined word/phrase/number references an entry in that Chapter’s Endnotes. In the eBook, the underlined word or phrase is a hyperlink to the referenced Endnote. Each Endnote has the URL listed for the reference. On the Just website there are Appendixes with additional extensive references and examples of the supporting evidence necessary to give us a better understanding of ourselves, society, and our potential.
As you read, please be aware that cognitive dissonance may arise as you realize the deceptions in the Official Story. The book intends to be a counter-force to the Official Story and to give a basis for us to tell each other another story: Our Story. Sharing Our Story begins the process of manifesting it.