Massachusetts Republic
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. -- R Buckminster Fuller
The Responsibilities of the Jural Assembly Offices
Self-governance is based on the Jural Assembly within nation-states which is made up of all of the adults who live in a neighborhood. It is the pool of people from which a Grand Jury or a petite Jury is called. The members of the Jural Assembly are individually and collectively responsible for the well being of their community. Each Jural Assembly shall select, or elect, qualified people for each of the roles necessary for a well regulated and harmonious community. The Jural Assembly encompasses the executive, legislative, and judicial functions. The legislative function has first and final authority.
The initial roles are Leader/Delegate, Community Builder, Commissioner, Notary, Sheriff, and Scribe. Together they form the executive of the Jural Assembly, and they always seek the active consent of the people in all that they do.
Leaders and Delegates represent the individual Nation-states in the national Congress. They are also the public face of their Republic form of self-governance.
Leaders convene jural assemblies, which then select their Delegates.
The Community Builders are the people who connect easily with people. They need to have a firm grasp of self-governance and money (such as the Replik, the Liberty Dollar, the Common Good Payment System, Time Banking, LETS, and whatever else their Jural Assembly may be adopting as their currency). Community Builders are primarily responsible for bringing new people and businesses into the self-governance structure. They will each have their own style and they each need to be supported so that they have what they need to get people excited about joining the jural assembly.
The Commissioners are responsible for overseeing the financial affairs of their jural assembly. They are well respected and above reproach, experienced in handling money, and dedicated to the will of the people. The Commissioner is responsible for their jural assembly's treasury, for disbursing the funds from the common national treasury, for administering their jural assembly's or county’s monetary systems, and for selecting the people to carry out all the necessary functions of the treasury.
The Notaries are responsible for administering justice in their jural assembly. They are not lawyers. They oversee the jury pool, the judges, and the courts. They make sure that maxims of law, natural law, and God's law are always in evidence in the administration of justice. They are particularly careful to assure that Grand Juries know how to issue presentments as well as indictments, and that petit juries understand the role of nullification
The Sheriffs are constables, responsible for keeping the peace. The Sheriffs assume that any situation that arises can be managed peacefully and with dignity for all concerned. They cooperate with the Notaries and with the Jural Assembly and may deputize people to help them keep the peace.
The Scribes are the historians of the Jural Assembly and of the people. Their primary responsibility is to accurately record and disseminate the decisions of the Jural Assembly and follow up on the agreements the members make. They are also responsible for recording property deeds and other vital records.
The Jural Assembly is the ultimate authority for the people and will order its affairs as it sees fit.
The Massachusetts Republic is recommending that all the Jural Assemblies conduct themselves sociocratically and attend workshops and the online courses offered by so that they will succeed in managing the affairs of the people with their active consent.