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On Friday, August 30, 2019, seven natural born residents on the land of Massachusetts took it upon themselves to occupy the positions needed to create a republic form of governance.  We selected the best person for each of the positions of Commissioner,
Notary, Scribe, Sheriff, and Community Builde
r, which, together with the Delegates already selected, will be building the new republic form of governance for Massachusetts.

Bradford Herrick, First Delegate to the united states of America Republick from the Massachusetts Republic


John G Root Jr, Alternate Delegate to the united states of America Republick from the Massachusetts Republic


Joe (Grok) Boyer, Second Alternate Delegate and Community Builder for the Massachusetts Republic


William Spademan, Commissioner for the Massachusetts Republic.


Laura Creedon, Notary for the Massachusetts Republic


Margaret Arndt, Scribe for the Massachusetts Republic


David Snieckus, Sheriff for the Massachusetts Republic


We are now in the process of educating ourselves in and practicing self-governance, and recruiting others to create a sovereign state based on the Golden Rule.



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