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Order the Book Freedom, Justice, Community HERE


The purpose of The Massachusetts Republic is to create The Better World We Know In Our Hearts Is Possible; a free, peaceful, healthy, just, collaborative, sustainable/regenerative world where we all thrive.


The Massachusetts Republic claims the promise of the Declaration of Independence and the Continental Congress.


We are the people. We are building a Republic in which the people decide how we will create and maintain the society in which we choose to live. 

We desire to raise our children in a society in which we have the right and process to make our governance accountable to us. 


In order to do this, “We, the People” must mean all the people. We intend to listen to - so as to hear - every individual in our community. With everyone, we then intend to build a community of communities that is responsible to the communities it represents.  


The implementation of this bottom-up organizational structure is explained on this website.  Start your exploration on the Seminar tab in the header and then explore the website by clicking on each of the topics below.






Our Culture needs to be FREE

Our Governance needs to be JUST

Our Economy needs to be COLLABORATIVE

We, the People 

How do we assure that "We, the People" means all the people?

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